Lower Back Pain Treatment in Birmingham, MI

Lower Back Pain Treatment in Birmingham

The structure of the lower back is highly complex. The lower back is what gives us the strength and range of motion that we need to bend, twist, walk, jump, and run. However, it is still vulnerable to injury. If you are suffering from lower back pain, we offer treatment here at Birmingham Wellness Center. Muscles in the lower part of the back are responsible for rotating and flexing the hips while walking. Those same muscles also support the spinal column. Our objective when treating the lower back is to relieve pain and restore its range of motion by adjusting the spine with hands-on techniques. Whether your lower back pain is acute or chronic, our team can help you properly treat it.

Causes and Symptoms of Lower Back Pain

Acute back pain usually starts suddenly and may last for several days or weeks. This is usually a result of tissue damage or injury. As the body heals, the pain will begin to subside. Acute lower back pain is usually caused by poor posture or minor strains in the body. Subacute lower back pain can last anywhere between 6 weeks to 3 months. It is described as mechanical pain but is usually prolonged.

Chronic back pain is when pain lasts longer than 3 months. It is usually severe pain and does not respond to treatments at first. This type of back pain requires medical follower-ups to determine the pain source. Chronic lower back pain usually involves a disc problem, joint issue, or an irritated nerve root. Other causes of chronic lower back pain are degenerative disc disease, facet joint dysfunction, spinal stenosis, deformity, or trauma. Arthritis could also affect your lower back and cause pain. This condition specifically causes the joints in your back to swell.


Chiropractic care is highly beneficial for patients that are dealing with lower back pain. However, every patient’s treatment plan will differ according to their issues and activity tolerance. We usually use spinal manipulation and manual manipulation to improve the function and range of motion in the lower back. Myofascial release uses pressure on trigger points to help knotted muscles relax and return to their natural state. Chiropractic mobilization treatment promotes the use of lower-velocity manipulation. This treatment works to stretch the muscles and joints in the lower back. The main goal of chiropractic mobilization is to increase the range of motion within these areas.

Contact Us for an Appointment

Schedule an appointment with our team at Birmingham Wellness Center, so we can help you find relief from your lower back pain. Offering a combination of chiropractic adjustments and massage therapy, our clinic will create a customized plan that works best for patients in and around the Birmingham area. Contact us at (248) 645-6070 to find out how we can help you live pain-free.