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August 14, 2022

Your Personal Energy Conservation System

Your Personal Energy Conservation System Created inNewsletter Library,Exercise & Fitness The world’s supply of fossil fuels has been dwindling for a long time. It’s been easy to pretend this wasn’t happening because there seemed to be an endless quantity of oil and gas reserves. How could we ever run out? All we had to do…

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August 10, 2022

Your Personal Corporation

Your Personal Corporation Created inNewsletter Library,Wellness You are the CEO of your own personal enterprise. In addition to whatever business you might be running or might be in, your personal corporation consists of the value you generate during your time on Earth. Some persons such as government officials make choices and take actions that obviously…

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August 6, 2022

Your Personal Cloud

Your Personal Cloud Created inNewsletter Library,Mind-Body Connection The concept of cloud computing has become a buzzword in recent years. The notion of “the cloud” originally referred to data storage. You could backup your computer files or even an image of your hard drive to a server bank in some remote location. Now you can access…

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July 29, 2022

Your New Reality

Your New Reality Created inNewsletter Library,Breaking Bad Habits Is it possible to create a new personal reality? So-called unscripted television shows say you can – “The Biggest Loser” being one of the more popular of these tell-all and show-all programs. But most of us realize that these shows don’t closely represent reality as we experience…

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July 25, 2022

Your Nerve System and You

Your Nerve System and You Created inNewsletter Library,Mind-Body Connection Your nerve system is your body’s master communication system. Your brain – your body’s central processing unit – receives information from every other system. Information on sight, sound, touch, taste, and smell is constantly bombarding your brain. Information on muscle activity, placement of your arms and…

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July 21, 2022

Your Inner Ecology

Your Inner Ecology Created inNewsletter Library,Wellness In April 2010 the BP Deep Horizon drilling rig exploded in the Gulf of Mexico, resulting in a catastrophic offshore oil spill. Millions of barrels of oil have spilled into the Gulf since the explosion, representing an unprecedented environmental disaster. Many complex ecosystems are affected by the oil spill,…

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July 17, 2022

Your Health Account

Your Health Account Created inNewsletter Library,Healthy Tips Everyone wants to grow their bank account. We know our financial health is usually estimated by the level of our resources. The more money in the bank, figuratively speaking, the more secure we feel. If our resources include stocks, bonds, and property, we are even more secure. We…

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July 13, 2022

Your Hardware / Your Software

Your Hardware / Your Software Created inNewsletter Library,Mind-Body Connection The metaphor linking the human brain with computer hardware is now so well known that it features regularly in news media stories. But computers have only been with us since Colossus and ENIAC (electronic numerical integrator and computer) were constructed in the mid-1940s. The metaphor linking…

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July 9, 2022

Your Fellow Travelers

Your Fellow Travelers Created inNewsletter Library,Nutrition & Healthy Eating It has long been known that over evolutionary time the human organism developed in tandem with a vast host of microbial fellow travelers. The 100 trillion microorganisms inhabiting our gastrointestinal tracts assist in numerous physiological processes critical to our health and well being. The intestinal microbiome…

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July 5, 2022

Your Double Helix

Your Double Helix Created inNewsletter Library,Exercise & Fitness Not everyone will admit this, but there’s something magical about exercise. Your brain produces endorphins in response to vigorous exercise and you feel energized, alert, and alive. You derive tremendous satisfaction from doing something you said you’d do. You feel good about yourself all day long. Beyond…

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