Suffer from Neck Pain? Created inNewsletter Library,Back, Body & Joint Pain Do you suffer from neck pain? If you do, you’re not alone. Nearly 75 percent of American adults will suffer from neck pain at some point in their lives. And, looking at our anatomy, it’s no wonder so many of us do. Though having…
Strong Lower Backs: Having One That Works Created inNewsletter Library You never know until you hurt it how much you use your lower back all day long. When your lower back is injured, every movement becomes painful. Simple actions, such as getting out of a chair or bending over the sink, become excruciating, and your…
Strong Bones Are Healthy Bones Created inNewsletter Library,Staying Young As with the rest of our physical selves, we don’t think about our bones until something goes wrong. Bones are just there, under the surface and unseen, normally never taking up space in our conscious thought processes. Trauma, of course, can injure a bone. But in…
Strong Bones and Core Strengthening – Good Tips for a Healthy Lower Back Created inNewsletter Library,Injury Rehab & Prevention Strong bones are important for all of us, not only for the aging baby boomers about whom we’re hearing so much lately. And, “strong bones” are much more than a marketing ploy cooked-up by the dairy…
Strike a Chord Created inNewsletter Library,Mind-Body Connection Physicians and scientists have often called the human body a beautiful instrument. The sense in which this metaphor is applied is primarily mechanistic. The human body is a beautiful instrument in that its parts mesh properly and each component performs its function superbly. The metaphor “beautiful instrument” can…
Strength Training for Beginners (and Experts, Too) Created inNewsletter Library,Exercise & Fitness Strength training, otherwise known as weight training, is one of those activities that provides a wide range of benefits for the person who does it regularly. Like yoga, strength straining makes all your muscles stronger, enhances flexibility, and improves cardiovascular capability and capacity….
Straight Talk About Health Care Created inNewsletter Library,Wellness In 2009 there’s been lots of conversation about health care, both at the federal and state levels.1-3 Not all the talk has been friendly. Those favoring broad reforms describe serious problems in the health care “system”. Those opposing change have spread rumors about impending “socialized medicine”. Whatever…
Staying Well In Winter Created inNewsletter Library,Wellness Simon and Garfunkel [and later, The Bangles] had it right. Winter light is hazy – it’s more diffuse. The sun is lower in the sky and the sun’s rays reach the Earth at an angle, losing much of their power. And of course, there’s less sunlight during each…
Spring Fever Created inNewsletter Library,Wellness Spring is near. In New York City, yellow, white, and purple crocuses have raised their cup-shaped flowers above the ground for all to see. In California, western buttercups, ground pink, and bush lupine have begun to bloom. Humans, too, are awakening to the glory of a new Spring. For most…
Soccer Kids Need Protection Created inNewsletter Library Ever since 1984, the year soccer passed baseball as the most popular teamsport in the United States, participation in this sport has skyrocketed.With increasing numbers of children running and kicking their way downsoccer fields across America, doctors of chiropractic are urging parentsto take a step back and learn…
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