October Is National Chiropractic Health Month
National Chiropractic Health Month in October is a time to explore the advantages of chiropractic care and determine when to consider chiropractic treatment in your life. Depending on your concerns and goals, the services a professional recommends for your health may vary. By understanding the advantages of chiropractic care, you determine when to seek treatment for your situation.
Benefits of Chiropractic Care
The advantages of chiropractic care and treatment depend on your situation. Generally, it improves your physical health and well-being by addressing specific concerns that may impact your long-term goals.
Common benefits of a chiropractic treatment include:
- Reduced pain
- Improved immune function
- Better posture
- Fewer back and neck conditions or concerns
- Improved mood
- Lower stress
- Prevention of health conditions, particularly musculoskeletal conditions
- Lower rate of discomfort from arthritis and related conditions
Chiropractic care focuses on addressing common ailments in your body. It improves the function of your spine and neck by ensuring proper alignment. It also reduces pressure on your nerves by addressing problems like bulging discs and related conditions.
Services from Birmingham Wellness Center
Our doctors at Birmingham Wellness Center offer a variety of services and natural treatment to address conditions and concerns in your body. In our office, we take a holistic and natural approach to healing and offer different treatments based on your goals and situation.
Common services we offer for your needs include:
- Chiropractic adjustments in the spine and neck
- Decompression therapy
- Massage therapy
- Compression therapy
- Nutritional advice and recommendations
- Exercise suggestions and recommendations for form during exercise
- Applied kinesiology
Your body’s health starts with identifying risks to your well-being. By focusing on your long-term goals and preventing ailments with proper treatments and care, you limit the possibility of facing unnecessary pain or discomfort from injuries, accidents or simple lifestyle factors.
Contact Our Office Today
October is National Chiropractic Health Month and it is a time to get back to the basics with chiropractic treatment. By seeking regular treatment and care, you limit the risks to your health. To learn more about chiropractic care or to set up an appointment, call (248) 645-6070 today.