February 7, 2022

Today’s Fashion Can Be Tomorrow’s Pain

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Today’s Fashion Can Be Tomorrow’s Pain

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Looking your best might not always be the best thing for you. Today’ssociety is extremely fashion and style conscious. Unfortunately, clothingdesigners and stylists aim to please by creating unique looks that mightnot always be practical or even comfortable.

The look of the season shows runway models in high platform heels andtight skirts or pants. Models have perfected the runway “walk,” but thepopular looks and accessories are frequently impractical and could createleg, back, and spine or neck problems. “Sometimes I see a woman walkingdown the street with high heels and a two-ton bag, and I want to stop herand make her aware of what she is doing to her body,” said ACA nationalspokesperson, Dr. Jerome McAndrews.

Women generally wear high heels to complement an outfit, not for comfort,but some might not realize that these shoes can cause serious discomfortin the feet and can also exacerbate back pain. High heels alter the balancedposition of a person’s body. When a woman wears high heels, a new dynamicequilibrium occurs. Dr. McAndrews compared the musculoskeletal system toa mobile, hanging in dynamic equilibrium, each part balancing the other.If one part becomes ‘fixed,’ the whole system will compensate with a movementor restriction. Essentially, wearing high heels for any length of timeincreases the normal forward curve of the back and causes the pelvis totip forward. This alters the normal configuration of the pelvis and spinenecessary for the body to maintain a center of gravity.

“The legs are the foundation of the musculoskeletal system, and a personstanding flat-footed or bare-footed would be completely balanced,” saidDr. McAndrews. “While standing, the hamstrings are taut and both partsof the pelvis are stabilized so that the support is normal. By bringingthe heel up, you encourage the shortness of the hamstring muscles.”

Women and men alike fall into the fashion trap. However, women, more thanmen, tend to wear clothes that are too tight. Stylish tight tube skirtsand tight pants can be attractive, but are often too restrictive. Clothesthat are too tight throw a person off-balance, and simple everyday taskssuch as bending, sitting and walking become difficult. “Tight clothes restricta person from moving comfortably, resulting in poor posture and misalignmentof the spine,” said Dr. McAndrews.

Another unhealthy fashion statement is the use of heavy purses, backpacksand handbags. Women and men tend to carry too many items in one bag, orbriefcase, and are often not aware of the potential health risks associatedwith toting an excessive amount of “stuff.” Carrying a bag with detectableweight-more than 10 percent of your body weight-can cause improper balance.When hiked over one shoulder, it interferes with the natural movement ofthe upper and lower body. “The person carrying the bag will hike one shoulderto subconsciously guard against the weight, holding the other shoulderimmobile,” said Dr. McAndrews. “This results in the unnatural counterbalancemovement of one shoulder and little control over the movements of the armsand legs. Even worse, the spine curves toward the shoulder.”

More and more people carry their credit cards, ATM cards and personalidentification in the back pocket of their pants. This might be a convenientway of carrying the necessary items with you each day, but carrying yourwallet in the back pocket of your pants can cause discomfort. Dr. McAndrewssuggested men and women remove their wallets or other items before sittingfor long periods of time. “Sitting on your wallet or card holder for theentire day will create a pocket in the muscle lying underneath the wallet,and whether your pants are tight or loose-fitting, this can result in discomfortor pain.”

In today’s society, it might be important to you to look fashionable,but it is more important to choose clothes, shoes and bags that are comfortableand that suit your style. By following and remembering these simple steps,it is possible to look and feel your best.

  • Choose comfortable shoes. If you must wear high heels, bring a pair offlat shoes along with you to change into should you become uncomfortable.If you walk to work, wear flat shoes and change into your more fashionableshoes when you arrive to alleviate any pain or discomfort.
  • If the shoe is uncomfortable while standing, chances are it will not beany more comfortable while walking. The wrong shoe can affect the body’scenter of gravity.
  • Choose supportive shoes. Designer spikes or non-supportive loafers maylook nice but do not allow for easy, symmetrical walking.
  • While sitting, whether or not you are wearing heels, it is important totake frequent stretch breaks to alleviate atrophy of the hamstring muscles.
  • Avoid excessive wear of tight pants or clothing. If you prefer tighterclothes, choose styles that allow you to perform daily tasks with ease.
  • Select a briefcase or purse with a wide adjustable strap. Ideally, thestrap should be long enough to place over the head. This evenly distributesthe bulk of the weight across the body.
  • When carrying a bag, or briefcase, switch sides frequently to avoid placingthe burden of the weight on one side of your body.
  • Take the time to empty unnecessary items from your bag.
  • Place all necessary items-such as wallets and cellular phones-in the frontpockets of the bag. Stretching around to reach for your wallet can resultin a pulled neck or back.
  • If you are driving or sitting for long periods of time, remove your walletor card holder from the back pocket of your pants.
  • Think about your daily tasks. If your clothes affect your movements, consideroutfits that fit your lifestyle.

Designers and stylists tend tobe more concerned about the way something looks rather than the way itfeels. Listen to your body. One of the most important aspects of beingin style and looking your best is to maintain healthy judgement. By followingsimple suggestions, being fashionable can be comfortable.

categories :Healthy Living

Birmingham Wellness