May 12, 2020

Don’t Let Housework Be a Pain in Your Back

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Don’t Let Housework Be a Pain in Your Back

  • Created inNewsletter Library

Householdchores can be a pain in the sacroiliac. Unless you’re careful, routineactivities around the home— washing dishes, vacuuming, even talkingon the phone— can strain your back, including the sacroiliac areanear the tailbone, and result in debilitating discomfort.

But youcan protect your back by knowing the right way to go about such activities,according to the American Chiropractic Association (ACA).

Considerlifting. It doesn’t matter whether you’re picking up your child or a heavybucket of water, you need to do it the proper way to avoid injury.

How? Bendfrom the knees, not the waist. As you lift, hold the item as close to yourbody as possible. If you have to turn to place it, step in the directionof the turn. That way, you’re not twisting your body and straining yourspine.

Back-Saving Tips

The AmericanChiropractic Association suggest the following do’s and don’ts for choresand relaxation:

  • Whenyou wash dishes, open the cabinet beneath the sink, bend one knee andput your foot on the shelf under the sink. Lean against the counter sosome of your weight is supported in front.
  • Whenironing, raise one foot a bit. Place it on a small stool or a book totake some strain off your back.
  • To vacuum,use a “fencer’s stance.” Put all your weight on one foot, then step forwardand back with the other foot as you push the vacuum forward and back.Use the back foot as a pivot when you turn.
  • Whiletalking on the phone, don’t cradle the phone between your ear and shoulder.That can lock up the spinal joints in the neck and upper back, and causepain. Instead, hold the phone with your hand or use the speakerphone.
  • Whilewatching television or relaxing, don’t use the sofa arm as a pillow.The angle is much too sharp for your neck.
  • Usea cold pack if your back begins to hurt. Wrap an ice pack in a towelmoistened with warm water. The warmth gives way to gradual cold, whichlikely will alleviate the discomfort. (No ice? Try frozen veggies instead.)
  • If painpersists for more than a day or two or if you experience numbness, tinglingor weakness in your arms or legs, see a doctor of chiropractic. A doctorof chiropractic is an expert in spinal health and can help identify andtreat your problem.
categories :Healthy Living

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